While most medical services are about disease, our service is about health. What does human health look like? How do we find our health, and grow it? What are healthy behaviors? What is good for the body? What universal principles can use, and what needs to be individually adapted? Find out. We’re here to help you.
We have a great selection of awesome practitioners. Book with any of our consultants by selecting “Learn more” on their bios.
Our values
Health is holistic. Because we’re uber-nerds and interested in chaos theory. We believe in work-fractals: what we do internally, directly mirrors what we can do externally.
Diversity & Inclusion.
Genius is where you find it. We do our best to bridge the gap between our respective ages, ethnicities, gender identities, educational levels, and life paths. We want to create together, and use our binocular brains and experience to triangulate novel solutions.
No one is too important to hustle. As our technology changes faster, we have to adapt faster. The only way to create stable, peaceful work environments is to get comfortable with evolution. We are driven by curiosity and goals — reward and value openness.
We model flow. Perfection is never attainable, and when we solve tough problems we plan for failure and iteration. But we do strive for quality, the je ne sais quoi that makes our relationships and our work display how much we enjoy being alive and creating.